Lit-Mag # 2

International Literary Magazine – December 1996

Ruark Lewis, Sydney: Banalities

The second issue in 1996 is presenting writers from Australia, Austria, Germany, and the USA. At the same time, Ruark drags „Banalities“ along Sydney beaches. – Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney

  1. Andreas Bäcker (Hagen): Short Stories
  2. Rudi Krausmann (Sydney): The House
  3. Guntram Balzer (Wuppertal): 6 Texte
  4. Stephen K. Kelen (Canberra): Trans-Sumatran Highway & other poems
  5. Monika Graf (Düren): Vorfall
  6. Nigel Roberts (Sydney): In Casablanca for the waters
  7. Ania Walwicz (Melbourne): Poème en prose (performance pieces)
  8. Chris Mann (Melbourne): For a sheet of paper marked with a $ and a ?
  9. Holly Day (Roseville, MN, US): Three Pieces
  10. Angelika Fremd (Sydney): Arrival
  11. Ruark Lewis (Sydney): Banalities
  12. Vivien Eime (Sydney): In Time (short poems) and Two Seasons

Lit-Mag #1  Lit-Mag #3