Lit-Mag #21

International Literary Magazine – September 2001

Terrorism has changed airport security for ever

Ever wondered if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup? Neither have I. This statement is brought to you under duress by Clare Moss, my new co-editor. And then September, 11 changed the world as we knew it.– Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney

Paul Tylor, Walter Hoelbling, Martha Cinader, Gabriele Pötscher: Lest We Forget

Album Williams began writing for classmates at school with serialised dramatisations of the lives of this teachers. Caught, he spurned writing until his early twenties, where the viciousness of youth saw him write about things he knew not of, like war, suffering and torture. As an adult Album submitted to self-angst and wrote a lot of utter rubbish. Later, his verse and short stories have been highly praised in major literary prizes. He won the ANUTECH prize in 1993 and was a runner-up in the Northern Rivers Bugle Awards in 1998 for Cremation Annoys the Grave Digger.

David Wright’s  first book of poems is Lines from the Provinces. His poems, essays and reviews have appeared in a variety of print and online publications, including 2River View and re:generation quarterly. His interview with poet Carolyn Forche just appeared in The Nimble Spirit Review. He submitted Poetry from Illinois. One is a group of sonnets, Fidelities. The other is a related piece, Sunday Afternoon in the Universe.

Duane Locke, Doctor of Philosophy in English Renaissance literature, Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, was Poet in Residence at the University of Tampa for over 20 years. Has had over 2,000 of his own poems published in over 500 print magazines such as American Poetry Review, Nation, Literary Quarterly, Black Moon, and Bitter Oleander. Is author of 14 print books of poems, the latest is WATCHING WISTERIA. Since September 1999, he became a cyber poet and started submitting on-line, and since September 1999 he has added to his over 2,000 print acceptances with 1,523 (+1) acceptances by e-zines.

Maree Jaeger has had stories and poems published both in Australia and overseas. Maree is also an actor and has performed in theatrical productions and performed her poetry in public including the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Her interests including reading, writing, the sea, the moon, Swiss chocolate and dreaming. Current project is a CD of images and poems. Please find below some poems for consideration for Gangway.

Patrick McCauley has been reading, writing and performing poems since 1970. He has developed over twenty major poetry readings throughout Melbourne and country Victoria. He has attended at least one poetry reading per week for thirty years. He has probably listened to about thirty thousand poems performed live. He is presently M.C. of ‚The Big Read‘ held at the Celtic Club Melbourne on the second Saturday night of each month. And here’s his three poems.

Paul Tylor: I was born in Washington D.C. and graduated from prep school there (Gonzaga) and from the University of Maryland with a degree in English/Philosophy. I retired from the National Geographic Society as Vice President and Corporate Secretary. My poems and stories have been published on-line and in print, including issue #11 of Gangway. Currently, I am editor of Cenotaph: New Digs, any chance for your September issue?

Karl-Heinz Gutmann, graphic artist from Graz, Austria: Lieber Gerald, danke für dein Angebot. Ich muss noch ein paar Sachen zusammen suchen um sie dir als .psd zu senden. Momentan hab ich noch ein wenig Stress, da wir, Andrea und ich, uns wieder den Rucksack umschnallen und uns ein wenig Thailand anschauen. Irgendwann möchte ich auch unbedingt Australien besuchen und würde mich freuen dich dort zu treffen.

Already in the late forties of the last century Andreas Okopenko, an Austrian poet and writer, started to take notes about a certain consciousness state, which he experienced often. Later he began to call this state ‚Fluidum‘. Consciousness States and Literary Creativity, an essay by Hermann J. Hendrich.

Al Cracko:
Hat es so viel für sich, hat es wirklich so viel für sich selbst, hat es wirklich soviel für sich selbst damit zu tun und hat es was für sich, damit zu tun zu haben…?

Lit-Mag #20     Lit-Mag #22