International Literary Magazine – September 1999

We started editing this issue in Linz, coinciding with the Ars Electronica festival, and published it later in Sydney. There’s only one thing the majority of our contributors share: they write in languages other than their own. See for yourself. – Andrea Bandhauer and Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney
Anant Kumar Anant wurde 1969 in Indien geboren und lebt in Kassel, Deutschland, wo er in erster Linie über die Ausländerproblematik schreibt. Modern Times
Billy Marshall-Stoneking Born in Orlando, Florida, in 1947; came 1972 to Australia. Much of his work has been influenced by tribal Aboriginal people. Ventriloquist and other poems
Marianne Gaponenko Marianne was born in Odessa/Ukraine (Black Sea) in 1981 and lived for three years in Bulgaria. She studies German. Odessa
Martina Pfeiler Martina studiert Englisch an der Uni Graz und in London. My first poems
Ingeborg Bachmann Über Österreichs große Dichterin braucht wohl nichts mehr gesagt werden. Die Übersetzung ist von Angelika Fremd. The Game is Over / Das Spiel ist aus
Ines Windheuser Geboren 1978 in Düsseldorf, lebte in London und hofft nun auf einen Amerikanistik-Studienplatz in Berlin. Life on Stage
Bernhard Kainerstorfer Born 1965 in Upper Austria, Bernhard has won awards for his two books and teaches Music. Yellow Rose Bloom (for Cj)
Christina Conrad Born in New Zealand in 1942, Poet, playwright and ‚outsider‘ artist. Stoneking says: ‚…she is bardic.‘ Poems for Stoneking
Frederic Tybery Bilder eines Grazer Künstlers. Alles / Everything
Gerald Ganglbauer Multicultural Publishing – How hard is it to do in Australia? Mabel Lee chaired a panel of publishers at the Carnivale Literary Festival, NSW Writers’ Centre, Rozelle.