“Nur für Frauen! Women Only!”
This one is dedicated to women. We’ve been seeking submissions of female authors regarding travelling/ transition/ migration/ going abroad/ migration into cities/ multilingualism/ being a foreigner and other forms of female ways of life. – Karin Seidner, Vienna
Nora Aschacher, langjährige Gestalterin von Radio Features, Reportagen, Essays, Sendereihen (Ö1); Konzeption und Durchführung von multimedialen Performances; Mitbegründerin von alters. kulturen sowie der AGE COMPANY; Performerin; Autorin von Kurzgeschichten u.a. „Frauen reisen anders“, Grenzen (Sterz) etc. In dieser Ausgabe lesen wir zwei ihrer Prosatexte, spring anna, spring + Die Erbschaft.
Daniela Beuren (born 1961) is a writer, translator, university teacher and designer of crossword puzzles, teamworker and dreamer. She lives in Vienna, Austria, where she writes and performs individually and with grauenfruppe. The making of the bilingual poem DIE/HER (2012) together with Lisa Rosenblatt, who initiated their cooperation, corresponds to what feminist translator and scholar Barbara Godard (Quebec) called „Collaboration in the Feminine“ (1994). English and German, source text and target text are intertwined and merged into a new original. The poem Pantoum po(u)r you is a multilingual piece of her own.
Susanne Burgstaller-Poulter, geboren und wohnhaft in Wien, Studium der Anglistik und Romanistik in Wien, Doktoratsstudium englische Literaturwissenschaft in Cambridge / UK, Unternehmerin, Beraterin und Managementcoach. Diplomarbeit zu Konzept der Familie in den Romanen von Jane Austen. Dissertation: Die Werke von Edna O´Brien im Kontext der Anglo-Irischen Literatur. Mit High Heels in Moskau ist eine Kurzgeschichte.
Jennifer Compton was born in New Zealand and now lives in Melbourne in Australia. Her book of poetry – Barefoot – published by Picaro Press, was short listed for the John Bray Poetry Award at the Adelaide Festival this year. This City won the Kathleen Grattan Award in New Zealand and was published by Otago University Press in 2011. Her two poems, How The Fuck Do You Say Termini! + The Ambulance Begins To Wail are dedicated to „Berni“.
Grauenfruppe, www.grauenfruppe.at wurde „geboren“ 1995. Die grauenfruppe ist ein Kollektiv von vier Autorinnen (Daniela Beuren, Elke Papp, Karin Seidner, Martina Sinowatz), die seit 1996 ihre literarischen Performances an verschiedenen Orten aufführen (in Wien und anderswo). 2003 erhielten sie den Siemens Literaturpreis für ihren Text „Mathilda macht Fortschritte“ (veröffentlicht in .TXTOUR, Haymon, Insbruck 2003). 2006 kam „Das Lexikon der Lust“ in der Bibliothek der Provinz heraus. A collective of four women authors writing and performing since 1995 on various stages and locations, in Vienna and elsewhere. In 2003 they were awarded the Siemens-Literature Prize for their experimental text „Mathilda macht Fortschritte“ („Mathilda’s Progress“, published in .TXTOUR, Haymon, Innsbruck 2003). In 2006 „Das Lexikon der Lust“ was published by Bibliothek der Provinz, Lower Austria. Grauenfruppe presents Mathilda reist.
Magdalena Jagelke *30. Juni 1974 in Polen, lebt und arbeitet in Köln/Nordrhein-Westfalen. Stationen u.a.: Wandert 1986 nach Norddeutschland aus. Anglistik-Studium in Gießen und Braunschweig. Arbeitsgebiete: Gedicht, Prosa Auszeichnungen/ Ehrungen/ Preise (Auswahl): Teilnahme an der Autorenwerkstatt der Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett München (2008). Teilnahme am Lyrikpreis München (2010). Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl): laufschrift. macondo. außer.dem. lauter niemand. silbende_kunst. Blumenfresser. Jahrbuch der Lyrik 2011. Todesmär, Lyrikheft (2012, Mückenschweinverlag), sowie Marotten.
Karin Kaminker, co-founder (together with Peter Waugh) in 1993 of Labyrinth, the Association of English-Language Poets in Vienna, and the poetry magazine Subdream, lives in France and works in Geneva, Switzerland, where she was President of the UN Society of Writers, member since 2000 of the Geneva Writers Group and organizer since 2002 of the Tuesday Poets. She has studied and performed with Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Ed Sanders, Ruth Weiss and Nick Cave, among others, and has given solo or group readings in Vienna, Geneva, Prague, the UK and USA . Her poetry has appeared in numerous books and magazines (in Vienna’s Kunstfe-ler, in the jazz magazine Downbeat, in Geneva’s Ex Tempore and GEM: The Geneva English-Language Magazine), on the Vienna Art Orchestra website and CD (Concertina M. music by m. rüegg) and as lyrics on numerous other CDs. Her pieces are called Olympiade + Lost.
Hillary Keel is a poet in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, in New York City. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from the Jack Kerouac School for Disembodied Poetics in May 2012 in Boulder, Colorado after completing her Master’s Thesis on Virginia Woolf. In Fall 2012 she will teach German at Hunter College in Manhattan. For Gangway Hillary contributed four pieces: About Wittgenstein + #43 + Birth Day + Homes Until Now (2012).
Augusta Laar, artist, poet, musician. Lives in Munich and Vienna. International exhibitions and Projects a. o. on poetic communication. Electronic poetry Duo Kunst oder Unfall with Kalle Aldis Laar. Initiator and director of the ongoing reading series Schamrock-Salon der Dichterinnen for female poets in Munich since 2009 and the first womens poetry festival Schamrock-Festivals der Dichterinnen from 19. – 21. October 2012 in Munich www.poeticarts.de, www.schamrock.org/festival, www.facebook.com/schamrock.org. The two poems by Augusta are entitled the poetry class machine + bee poem.
Julia Lajta-Novak studierte Englisch in Wien und Edinburgh und Kulturmanagement in London. Neben zahlreichen literaturwissenschaftlichen und journalistischen Publikationen veröffentlicht sie Gedichte und Kurzprosa in britischen und österreichischen Literaturzeitschriften. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Hier gibt es drei Gedichte zu lesen: Peinlich, Isle of Skye, Scotland + Herkunft + Alienitis.
Jo Langdon is an Australian writer of fiction and poetry, born in 1986. She lives in Geelong (Victoria) and is currently completing postgraduate studies at Deakin University. A chapbook of her poems, Snowline, was recently published by Whitmore Press. As per Gangan’s submission guidelines, these poems, Gösser Straße 79 + Postcard + Atlas, have not been published online, however they have appeared previously in print.
Kerstin Lindros came to Australia with her eldest daughter, then six, in 1991. She works as a content developer and studies Professional and Creative Writing, both part-time at Deakin University. She reads and writes regularly in English and German to keep her old culture alive in her family and to remain fluent in both languages as they continue to evolve. Here we read a prose piece, Crossing the line, which is set back on Friday, 8 December 1989, right after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Julie Maclean, juliemacleanwriter.com, from Bristol, UK is based on the Surf Coast, Australia. Poetry manuscripts have been shortlisted in 2012 for The Crashaw(Salt Publishing UK) and Press Press and her work can be found in Best Australian Poetry 2008, Southerly, foam:e, Wet Ink, Obsessed with Pipework (UK), and other journals and anthologies. Like many migrants, Julie writes very „Australien“ poems, like Simpson dingo girl + Souvenir.
Elena Malec, geboren am 31. Juli 1954 in Bukarest. Master in English Language & Literature und Spanish Language & Literature. „I am a chronic procrastinator for things I hate to do. I am an open minded person, avid for the new along with respect for tradition.“ Another Perfect Day In Paradise, Irvine, California, December 1992 (ihr derzeitiger Wohnort).
Mira Martin-Parker is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at San Francisco State University. Her work has appeared in various publications, including the Istanbul Literary Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Mythium, and Zyzzyva. In this issue we present two pieces, Blur + The Marketplace.
Elke Papp is an Austrian writer, performance artist, literary critic, essayist; working also with found objects (grauenfruppe). She studied Comparative Literature, French, Theatre and Philosophy at the University of Vienna. In 2006 she followed her love to live in Leipzig (former East Germany) and arrived in Cambridge in October 2008 heavily pregnant with her second son where she was thinking for two years about the project – while pushing her pushchair – then finally started to share her ideas with other followers. Now, she is preparing her next move to follow her partner who has started his new job at Southampton University. Blog followthefellow.wordpress.com and …(forever) followers!?… asks the questions: „are we a new race?/ or to say it more politely/ a new ethnicity?“
Sylvia Petter, australierin in wien, schreibt lang und kurz, hauptsaechlich englisch/ australien in austria, writes long and short, mostly in english. She’s a blogger at mercsworld.blogspot.com and consequenly calls her piece ich lebe im al, also jenen beiden Buchstaben, die Austria zu Australia machen.
Judith nika Pfeifer (b.1975, austria) writes poetry and lyrics, prose and plays. judith’s texts appear in austrian and german literary magazines and anthologies (kolik, the gap, literatur und kritik among others). literary fellow of the city of vienna 2009. conceptual projects e.g. literaturautomat @ erich fried tage, literaturhaus vienna, 2009. dear jenny, poems in situ @ jenny holzer’s blue purple tilt exhibition, talbot rice gallery, edinburgh, april 2010 and podium10, march 2011 salzburg. reinhard-priessnitz-prize 2012. judith divides her time between vienna/austria and the uk. i once fell on the earth (bunny blue purple remix).
Lisa Rosenblatt is co-founder of dream coordination office, dreamcoordinationoffice.net, a translating, travel, and art project is a translator, traveler, and writer. lives in austria and germany when not on the road. Zwei ihrer Kollaborationen mit Daniela Beuren sind hier zu lesen: daniela Lisa Rosenblatt beuren.
Claudia Siefen, Jahrgang 1972, geboren in Köln. Texte, Prosa, Lyrik, Essays und Interviews im Kulturbereich, meist zu Film (historische Themen, Experimentalfilm) und Literatur. VIENNALE Retrospektive-Katalog (Redaktion und Mitherausgeberin seit 2008). Aktuelle Publikationen: Plüsch oder Das Ende (bei Wolfgang Kühn); Ausgabe Nr.59, Seite 16: bei LICHTUNGEN in November 2011: Die Hüter des Bruders (Novelle, Auszug) und hier im Lit-Mag: Die Landschaft.
Monika Martina Sinowatz Geboren 1958 in Klagenfurt, seit 1977 unterbrochen wohnhaft in Wien. Performancekünstlerin, Schriftstellerin, Lektorin, Projektleiterin; Germanistik, Theaterwissenschaft und Italienisch an der Universität Wien; Teaching Assistant an der University of Southern California in Los Angeles, Graduation 1982: Master of Arts, 1990–1992: Mitbegründerin und Mitbetreiberin der Galerie Transformer. Seit 1995 Mitglied der „grauenfruppe“ für literarische Performances; 2008 Gewinnerin des Forum-Land-Literaturpreises für den Text „Kein Erbarmen“. Seit 2009 Mitglied der Künstlerinnengruppe S.E.N.F. = Sensual-Experimantale-Normierungs-Fusion. Im Lit-Mag sind zwei Prosatexte, Der Daumen des Vaters + Eisprung.
Susanne Toth beschäftigt sich in ihrer literarischen arbeit mit freien, offenen formen des denkens und schreibens, der dicht- und hörkunst, des performens und der poetischen stimme. daraus entstehen lyrische werke, kurzprosa, hörtexte, wordsnapshorts, aphorismen, musikaffine wortfolgen, freifliegende fragmente … beschreibungen in deutscher und/oder englischer sprache. 1993–2000 nicht unerheblich am kontinuierlichen betrieb, der organisation und weiterentwicklung der schule für dichtung in wien (vienna poetry academy) beteiligt. seit 1999 zahlreiche öffentliche lesungen und performances (mit/ohne musik), solo und gemeinschaftlich, im in- und ausland sowie publikationen in printmedien, audio, radio, web. mitglied der grazer autorInnen versammlung (wien/bgld), der IG autorinnen autoren (wien) und der literarmechana (ö). lebt und arbeitet in wien. aktuell: doppel-audio-CD „gebrauchs/gut. OBERFLÄCHE.“ text & stimme: susanne toth, komposition & musik: martina cizek. An dieser Stelle endet unsere literarische Reise mit Gate 47.