Lit-Mag #45

“Disabilities and Diseases”

Stefan Weber, 1946 – 2018

Issue #45 presents material, that relates in some way to life with a physical disability like a movement disorder or a chronic illness. The theme is close to my own skin, as I suffer from young onset Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is also somewhat the focus of this issue, which coincides with the World Parkinson Congress in Montreal. – Gerald Ganglbauer, Stattegg-Ursprung

This issue opens with paintings by Gerburg Garmann, a native of Germany, who teaches German and French at the University of Indianapolis. Her scholarly publications appear in both German and French in international journals. Her poems have appeared in various magazines and anthologies around the world. Her paintings (mostly acrylics) are collected locally and internationally.

I am Kweminyi Humphrey (writes as Humphrey Mass), Cameroonian National, jurist and academic, presently researcher at a law firm in Cameroon. I have written several short-stories, two novels and a few poems, all unpublished. This is the first of my works to be submitted for publishing and I hope it comes out great. For my picture, it would be convinient to source my profile picture on Facebook at the name, Kweminyi Humphrey.

Stefan Weber (* 8. November 1946 in Wien) ist ein österreichischer Musiker und Komponist, Anarchist und ehemaliger AHS-Lehrer. Bekannt wurde er als Gründer, Frontman und kreativer Kopf der Hard Rock/Punk-Band Drahdiwaberl. Er ist selbst Betroffener und hat den Parkinson Blues. Von 1964 bis 1970 studierte Weber an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Grafik. Nach der Lehramtsprüfung für Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schulen im Jahr 1970 begann er als Lehrer (Fächer: Werkerziehung und bildnerische Erziehung) am Wiener Bundesrealgymnasium IV (Waltergasse) zu unterrichten. Den Beruf des Lehrers übte er bis 2000, seiner krankheitsbedingten Frühpensionierung aus.

Brett Dionysius was founding Director of the Queensland Poetry Festival. His poetry has been widely published in literary journals, anthologies, newspapers and online. His seventh poetry collection, Bowra was released in April 2013. He lives in Ipswich, Queensland where he watches birds, teaches English and writes sonnets. Five poems.

 Wilda M. Morris: I am the Workshop Chair of Poets & Patrons of Chicago, and a former president of the Illinois State Poetry Society. I have led poetry workshops for children and adults in several mid-western states. My poetry blog at provides a contest for other poets each month. Christmas Pageant is about my granddaughter who had cerebral palsy. The other three poems relate to my dad’s struggle with Parkinson’s disease. He was not diagnosed until he had a pretty severe case – largely, I think, because he and my mother always went to the doctor together, and Dad (always concerned to make sure Mother got good care) kept the focus on her problems.

 Horst Lothar Renner, geb. 1936 in Wien. Lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Veröffentlichungen von Lyrik und Prosa. Aufführungen von Theaterstücken und Hörspielen. Teilnahme an Ausstellungen „Visuelle Poesie“ im In- und Ausland. Auszeichnungen: Preise für Prosa, Hörspiel und Lyrik. Ein Gedicht, nebenbei.

 Uli Sajko lebt in Graz und war gemeinsam mit ihrem früheren Mann eine erfolgreiche Unternehmerin. Seit einigen Jahren ist sie Parkinson Betroffene und schreibt täglich ein Gedicht im Skype Chat von Parkinsonline. Sie wurde zu einer zentralen Figur in der österreichischen Selbsthilfe und hat ihre Kreativität mit der Kamera (Die vielen Gesichter des M. Parkinson) und Worten (und Malerei) erst durch die Erkrankung entdeckt.

 Kevin Simmonds is the author of Mad for Meat and editor of Ota Benga Under my Mother’s Roof and the anthology Collective Brightness: LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion & Spirituality. He lives in San Francisco and Japan.His poem is called The Amputee.

Charles F. Thielman: Raised in Charleston, S.C., and Chicago, educated at red-bricked universities and on Chicago’s streets, I’ve worked as a youth counselor, truck driver, city bus driver and enthused bookstore clerk. Married on a Kauai beach in 2011, a loving Grandfather for five free spirits, my inspired work as Poet, Artiste and shareholder in an independent Bookstore’s collective continues! And not a few of my poems have been accepted by literary journals, such as The Pedestal, Poetry365, The Criterion [India], Poetry Salzburg [Austria], The Oyez Review, Battered Suitcase, Poetry Kanto [Japan], Open Road, Tiger’s Eye and Rusty Nail. My chapbook, „Into the Owl-Dreamed Night“ is available through Uttered Chaos Press at

 Allen Qing Yuan, born in Canada and aged 18, is to attend University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where he co-publishes Poetry Pacific with his mentor poet father Changming Yuan. Recently interviewed by Nostrovia!Poetry, Allen has poetry appear in 69 literary publications across 16 countries, including Blue Fifth Review, Cordite Poetry Review, Literary Review of Canada, Mobius, Paris/Atlantic, Oklahoma Review, Poetry Scotland, Spillway and Two Thirds North. His first collection Traffic Light is due out later this year. Here is a poem called Autumn Slumber.

Gerald Ganglbauer is publisher and editor in chief of this magazine. Here is Gerald’s Story up to 2013.

Lit-Mag #44    Lit-Mag #46