International Literary Magazine – June 2001
Do you ever think: is it all just a dream? Does time exist? Do I understand life? Is this ever going to be an introduction to our new issue #20 that makes sense? I doubt it. Let’s forget about it. There you go. It is, what it is. – Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney
After having enjoyed some of the finest poetry from Austria and Australia, I’d like to compliment you on having one of the best literary e-zines on the ’net (but you probably knew that). No, honestly, I love it. And so… I myself would like to submit some poetry, as well. Only problem is that I am not from Austria, nor from Australia. I have been in both countries, and have written some poems about Austria. I come from the Netherlands. But, as you also feature „guest poets“ from the US and Germany, I though… well let’s give it a try. I’m a young poet (born 1982) and have been writing poetry since 1996. I have exchanged work with Stoneking, Christina Conrad and others. I think that maybe I could fit in at Gangway, because I write a lot about Indonesia, where I have lived for 3 years. I can speak/read/write German as well, but I have never tried to write poetry in German. But who knows… Anyway. As a little sample of my work, I’m sending you two poems; they can tell more about me than a 10-page e-mail can. Greetings, Alexandra Ekkelenkamp. (Photo credits Toefi Gadaz)
Born in New Zealand (18 Dec 42), Christina Conrad is an internationally acclaimed poet, playwright and „outsider“ artist. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and magazines in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and the UK, and is represented in The Oxford Book of Modern New Zealand Verse and The Penguin Book of Contemporary New Zealand Poetry, as well as the Bloomsbury Book of Women Writers (UK). Her first published collection – this fig tree has thorns – is considered a modern-day classic. Conrad’s paintings, masks and clay icons have been exhibited in major galleries in New York, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. Her poems are featured in the recently published, authoritative anthology, Big Smoke (University of Auckland Press, 2000). William Stoneking submitted some more poems – previous work has been featured in Gangway #13 and #15.
Gerhard Ochs, „ein Autor, der zwar Deutscher ist, aber bei Ritter veröffentlicht (siehe Reviews) und ganz in der österreichischen Schreibtradition (Anselm Glück etc.) steht“. Geb. 1944 in Ettlingen bei Karlsruhe. Studium. Privatlehrer. Publikationen: Lebendes, Gedichte (Gießen, 1977); Bis zur Bestimmung, Gedichte (Gießen, 1979); Der deutsche Krieg, Zwei Erzählungen (Salzburg, 1990); Audiokasette: Im Schatten hat sich noch nicht herumgesprochen, dass die Sonne wieder scheint (München, Ohrbuch-Verlag, 1989). – Petra Ganglbauer stellt 3 Texte vor.
Katarina Konkoly was born in 1979. She grew up on a farm at the foot of the Otway Ranges in Victoria, attending school in the nearby city of Geelong. In 1998 Katarina moved to Brisbane to attend university. In 2000 she was awarded a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Classics and Ancient History. She is currently completing a law degree. The poem is titled Hungarian Gypsy, 1956. Katarina’s poetry has previously been published in Red Lamp, The AGE, Spindrift, core, SideWaLK, Swyntax, Australian Writing, VoiceWorks, QWC/Rave New Writing, Heretical, verso, Triple J and 5UV. Future publication of poems is forthcoming in Centoria, and SideWaLK.
Kristine Greßhöner, geboren am 23. 02. 1982 in Herford, wohnt in Hiddenhausen/Lippinghausen (NRW) auf einem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb und besucht die Jahrgangsstufe 13 des Gymnasium Fridericianum in Herford. Kristine schreibt überwiegend Kurzprosa seit etwa 1997 und interessiert sich für Literatur von William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac und Irvine Welsh. Sie ist auch freie Mitarbeiterin einer Herforder Tageszeitung. Veröffentlichungen im Bielefelder Stadtblatt, diversen Anthologien und Zeitschriften.
Nicole Jurosek, geboren am 19. Mai 1981 in Wien, Studentin, Publikationen im Standard und in verschiedenen Literaturzeitschriften. „Hier sende ich Ihnen ein paar von meinen Gedichten und bitte um Antwort, ob Sie diese – naja – irgendwie brauchen können oder nicht.“ Und wir haben Nicoles Beitrag hier gerne veröffentlicht.´
Timothy McNeal, geb. 1944 – Russland, Anglist. Veröffentlichungen: Von Erewhon nach Xanadu, Gedichte / A / 1981; Saisonale Einwürfe, Gedichte / D / 1991; Albedo, Gedichte – Poems / D / 1993; Twilight, Poems / USA / 1996; Bensons Nachlass, SF-Novelette (CD-ROM) / D / 1996; Die Farbe des Schwefels, SF-Novella / D / 1997; Der Tod der Physiker, Science-Thriller / D / 1998; Das Grab des Fürsten, Fantasy-Krimi / D / 1999; Die Chronos Chronik, SF-Roman / D / 2000: poem submission (German-English).
Walter Hölbling: „Ich entdeckte eben ein paar Verse in meinem PC.“ Studies of English and History in Graz; Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Stanford University, and Harvard University; Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Co-founder and editor of the journal Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik and its monograph series; member of advisory board of Krieg und Literatur/War and Literature. Founding member and board member of the Austrian Association of American Studies (AAAS) since 1975. Vice President 1976/77 and 1980/81, President 1987/88, Treasurer 1988-1998. AAAS delegate to the European Association of American Studies (EAAS) 1992-2000; EAAS Secretary 1994-2002.
Werner Schandor: Peter Sterner, geboren 1972 in Athens, Georgia, kam als ursprünglich 5. Mann bei R.E.M. schon in frühen Jahren mit dem Rock’n’Roll in Berührung; stieg noch vor dem Debütalbum der Band aus, um seine Solokarriere zu beginnen. Seither zahlreiche No 1 Alben und Singles, u.a. „Like a pharao“, „Screaming in the streets“ und „Diarrhoe“. Lebt zur zeit abwechselnd in Memphis, Tennessee und Las Vegas.
Günther Pesendorfer:
Freie Grenzen dienen auch der freien Gedankenwelt, aber nicht jedem ist so eine Welt recht.