International Literary Magazine – December 2001
On 16 October 2001, we received a prestigious at-award in Vienna. The jury: „This site is neither particularly beautiful nor particularly fast. It is rather an example of consistent use of particular possibilities of the Internet, enabling small initiatives to publish worldwide and extensively, and thereby fostering an understanding for culture and the arts. The international high standard of its interesting and vast contents does the rest.“ Thank you! – Gerald Ganglbauer, Vienna
Anna Hoffmann, geboren 1971 in Bergen auf Rügen, studierte Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte, Philosophie in Greifswald, Halle und Berlin. Anna lebt seit 1994 in Berlin und schreibt seit 1996 fragmentarische Prosa und Lyrik, veröffentlicht seit 1998 in verschiedenen Künstler- und Literaturzeitschriften uns schickt uns texte + gruß aus berlin. 1999-2000 akademische Weiterbildung Kulturmanagement/ -marketing, 2000 erscheint das bibliophile Buch „kreiselband“ im Verlag Fortdruck, Halle, seit 2001 PR-Managerin der Galerie Ngano, Berlin-Mitte, seit 2001 Mitglied im Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller. Foto: Jochim Fischer.
John Kidd lives in Hobart, Australia. Was a teacher. Writer of screenplays and working on 2 novels. Poetry presently published in ezines, and in print, in US, UK, Switzerland, The Philippines, Canada, and Australia. Living in Proximity to the Tasman Bridge.
Gerry Gray submitted somewhat different poems in September saying “… you may have a few spare moments to do some riddle solving!” In November he died suddenly. According to his son Joshua, he took great pleasure in his poetry, which was a means to encouragement and self-expression.
Thomas Reichl wurde am 07.06.1983 in Linz geboren, verbrachte seine Kindheit im Auhof, zog dann mit Beginn des Gymnasiums nach Alberndorf in der Riedmark, wo er auch heute lebt. Er befindet sich derzeit in der Maturaklasse des Europagymnasiums Auhof. Das Interesse an Literatur wuchs langsam heran, mit verstärktem Lesekonsum kam auch das Schreiben von kurzen Prosatexten hinzu, lose Gedanken, die durch im Alltag auftretende Ereignisse und Gefühle gekennzeichnet sind. Als Lieblingsautoren seien Thomas Bernhard, Franz Kafka und Norbert Gstrein genannt. Der vorliegende Text Kugellager verarbeitet bestimmte Ereignisse im Leben des Verfassers, wobei eine Mischung von wahren und fiktiven Elementen stattgefunden hat.
Michael Crane was born in Brisbane in 1961 and moved to Melbourne 18 years later. He studied writing and literature at Deakin University and began performing his work in public from 1988 onwards. He has had more than 120 poems individually published in magazines and newspapers since 1993. Michael appeared in a collection with three other writers called the Loose kangaroos (Domain Press 1998) and also in 1998 his first collected The Lightmaster (Phoebe Press) was published. Five Islands Press are considering publishing a New and Selected collection of his poems in 2002/2003. In 1991 he founded poetry Slams in Melbourne which are now held throughout Australia. He has organised more than 220 music and Poetry events in Melbourne including successful tributes to Leonard Chen and Charles Bukowski. He recently completed a writers residency at the Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga which he is extremely grateful for. Postcards from the End of the World contains the first 24 pieces in the form of letters (or micro fiction) from different characters who inhabit a mythical place called the End of the World.
Yvette Walker completed a BA (Honours) at Curtin University in 2000, graduating with a double major in Creative Writing and Literature. Her honours thesis focused on the work of English theatre director Peter Brook. Yvette is a regular performer at various readings around Perth. She has performed at DISC, Open Mouth, WEB, Woven Words and Sheela Na-Gig. Her poetry and prose has been published in several local publications, as well as in national publications such as Australian Short Stories. She also has a rather attractive rejection notice from The New Yorker. Yvette has been a tutor in the School of Communication and Cultural Studies at Curtin University and is currently working in a local book store, where she is learning more about Wilbur Smith, Jeffrey Archer and Sidney Sheldon than anyone would want to know. We titled her pieces Dinner Companion Poems.
Neil Grimmett: I am English by birth but now live on the Greek island of Crete. I have had stories published by amongst others: London Magazine, Panurge, Iron, Stand, Sepia, Pretext and Ambit in the UK. In France, Paris Transcontinental, in Canada, Grain, in Australia, Quadrant, in South Africa, New Contrast, and in the US I have been in Fiction and The Yale Review and am forthcoming in DoubleTake and The Southern Review. I have also been on the net with Web Del Sol and Tatlin’s Tower. Recently my first collection was signed by Kyung Cho of Henry Dunow literary agency New York. And I’ve just had one of my stories printed in the new anthology ‘England Calling’. Here’s New Shoes for Trumpy.
Liam Ferney is an emerging Brisbane writer whose work has been published in a variety of journals throughout Australia, New Zealand and the United States. He is presently working on two manuscripts of poetry, Popular Mechanics and restricted economies. He is vehemently opposed to the Pax Americana. The submitted Brisbane Poems are „Grunter’s Gotta Do What Grunter’s Gotta Do!“, „beyond the scrub“, „Adrift“ and „On the Television“.
Sylvia Petter is a Vienna-born Australian who has lived in the Geneva area for more than 25 years. She has a website at and an eBook of short stories, THE PAST PRESENT, just out in paperback. Her writing has been called eclectic. Does a tumbleweed have roots? Eyes to See is her sixth appearance in Gangway. We published previous stories as early as in issue #3, and than again in our issues #5, 6, 7, and #14.
Ivor Indyk: I prefer to see us ‘cosmopolitan’ rather than ‘multicultural‘.
Lit-Mag #21 Lit-Mag #23