International Literary Magazine – March 2001
Year One brings an updated look & feel for our five(!) year old magazine. And we’re looking for new co-editor(s) in Sydney – Andrea left us due to her workload as senior lecturer at Sydney University. If fame is all you need, drop us a line. – Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney
We commence our sixth year online with Letters from Vienna by Austrian Dieter Sperl, translated from the German language by Gordon Burgess. Dieter Sperl, geboren 1966 in Wolfsberg, lebt in Wien. Von 1989 bis 1993 Mitherausgeber der Literaturzeitschrift perspektive (Graz, Berlin). Seit 1992 Mitherausgeber der edition gegensätze. Gemeinsam mit Paul Pechmann Kurator für Literatur der Landesausstellung Graz 2000. Artist in Residence at Centre for Austrian Studies at the University of Aberdeen, 2000.
Hi! My name is Paula Hanasz. i write mainly performance poetry – quirky stuff – but short stories too. the one i would like to submit is called A Day in the Life of My Thumb and is about, well, a day in the life of my thumb (i like to think it’s not as boring as it sounds, my thumb has a lot of character you know). i’m a student at the University of Technology, Sydney, studying Communications and International Studies, which i love. i love to read, write, draw, photograph and pretend i’m an underappreciated genius. i can’t stand celery, recklessness and D.H. Lawrence. so that’s it. me in a nutshell (ie, a nut).
Christiane Stenzel: Ich bin 1973 in Dortmund geboren und habe in Freiburg und München studiert, unterbrochen von einem längeren Auslandsaufenthalt in Italien. Mein Studium der Philosophie (Nebenfächer Komparatistik und Medienrecht) habe ich im Juli 2000 in München als Magistra abgeschlossen. Seitdem befinde ich mich auf einem Arbeitsurlaub in San Jose, CA. Erinnerungen an Magda. Bei dem Text handelt es sich um einen Auszug aus einem Romanprojekt (das derzeit den Titel „Fluchtgefahr“) trägt.
Hope you can use this unusual piece. Michael Griffith: I was last years winner of the My Brother Jack award. I had two plays on last year; The Electric Bed, and Decoupage Skin. The Beachcomber actually deals with the frustrations of being a writer, writing the stories you want to write, rather than those you think will get published, the ocean symbolises both the creative communal consciousness and old father time, the eyes, naturally the splinters of ideas we form into stories. I don’t wish to insult those who’d prefer not to have some sort of explanation, but I’ve seen too many people go blank when they read it so I thought some sort of a guide might help. Apart from that, I write all the time and am so broke I’ve just been sponsored by a third world family.
Hallo aus Wien, ich dachte mir, vielleicht sollte ich Euch wieder etwas schicken, ist doch schon eine Weile verstrichen seit dem letzten Mal. Diesmal sind es Gedichte, drei in englischer Sprache, vier in deutscher. Das Thema kreist mehr oder weniger um Liebe, Hoffnungslosigkeit und persönliche Ohnmacht. Ich hoffe, sie gefallen Euch. Alles Liebe Philipp Arno Vajda: Geb. 1962 in Eisenstadt, seit 1979 in Wien, lange in der Verlagsbranche tätig, jetzt (nach einem späten Sudium) Kommunikationsfachmann/ Medienpädagoge. Literarisch tätig im Bereich Essay, Lyrik, experimentelle Prosa. 1983 Projekt mit Thomas Handl: Sang- u. Klanglos. Kassettenprojekt 1987 mit Steve Vukics (Westblock): Poetry Takes Men. 1991 Lyrikband: Mit schmalgeküsster Zunge. Beschäftige mich zur Zeit mit Medientheorie/Philosophie. Arbeite an einem Buch: Introspektiven. Materialen zu einem philosophischen Selbst. Projekt mit Chris Duller: Gedachte Städte (noch unvollendet).
Hi, a few poems that may be of interest. Les Wicks has been published widely in Australia & elsewhere. His five books are „The Vanguard Sleeps In“ (Glandular, 1981), „Cannibals“ (Rochford St, 1985), „Tickle“ (Island, 1993) & „Nitty Gritty“ (Five Islands, 1997) & „The Ways of Waves“ (Sidewalk, 2000). „varied, nimble, humane & well timed“ (Jennifer Maiden). He’s performed at festivals, schools, prisons etc. Runs workshops & Meuse Press which focuses on poetry outreach projects.
Gabriele Pötscher: I will try today to send you 12 things that I have picked out of my things to see what, if anything, appeals. Gabi (Photo: Karin Wolfartsberger) was born in Germany, grew up and studied in the U.S., received a study grant to the University of Graz, where she discovered the European way of life and decided to stay. She now teaches language courses and American Studies at the University, does freelance translating, and, despite (or perhaps because of) the unpredictable four- and two-legged creatures in her life, has also turned to writing.
Love the mag; it looks great, and more importantly the content is great. I’m taking the punt that maybe you’re looking at submissions. Anyway, one is enclosed, a short story titled ART. Peter deVries is a lecturer in education at University of Technology, Sydney. He has published more than 100 poems and short stories in Australian and international journals and magazines. His first collection of short stories will be available in early 2002 through Zaresky Press.
Brad Evans (Photo: Anne Pammenter) was born in Sydney, 1971. He was placed into various educational institutions for twenty years, finally escaping in 1997 when poetry became too influential in his life. Some of his latest poems, articles, interviews, and reviews have been, or will soon be, featured in the following magazines (printed / online) and anthologies: Niederngasse (GMNY), The Scriberazone (UK), La Petit Zine (US), Zine Zone (UK), Struggle (US), Centoria (AUST), Lateral Moves (UK), Wonderlust (UK), Poetry DownUnder (AUST), The Animist (AUST), Angel (UK), The Brobdingnagian Times (EIRE), Skald (UK), Breakfast All Day (UK / FR), Konfluence (UK), Paris / Atlantic (FR), Sivullinen (FNLD), Asphyxia (AUST), Quantum Leap (UK), Hobo (AUST), Ygdrasil (CAN), Dancing Barefoot (BELG), & (AUST), Apples & Oranges (US), Hjokfinnies Sanglines (UK), Panic! (UK), Roadworks (UK), Markings (UK), Haggard & Halloo (US), Voices of Liberation (UK), Rising (UK), Black Spring Review (US), Fire (UK), Manifold (UK), Lochs (UK), In Our Own Words (US), Cordite (AUST), Borderlines (UK), Zimmerzine (UK), Slacker (UK), Insurgentz (US), Braquemard (UK), Community of Poets (UK), Papillon (UK), At Last (UK), Poezine (UK), Big Bridge (UK). Brad is the founder and editor of Red Lamp, a journal for realist, socialist and humanitarian poetry.
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