Phil Norton

Lit-Mag #46 – Madrigalesque Nighttime Prayer (Madrigal Mix) Norton’s performance combines spoken word with electronic beats and live looping into a jazz-infused energetic storm of emotive tales. He has performed at festivals around Australia and the world, most notably appearing at the Sydney Opera House as part of the Night Words Festival and on the… Phil Norton weiterlesen

Justin Clemens

Lit-Mag #46 – Madrigalesque I wish I didn’t wish I wasn’t dead: a madrigal Me n me trumpet are lying   in a nest of bedding watching Our Premmy Minotaur Like a sweating tub o rot n putrescence fester under hoof lights in clusters of roach eggs O pestilent importuning gibberish! O necrotic bovine abomination!… Justin Clemens weiterlesen

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