Symphonies of Colour
Sue Gill is already well known as an abstract expressionist painter in Australia. Employing bold, vivid colours she creates dynamic and energetic paintings which are immediately appealing and accessible to the viewer. Her new series of oil paintings and works on paper are spontaneous and joyous symphonies of colour, encompassing calligraphic gestural lines and disembodied geometric forms.
Sue Gill ist bereits als abstrakt-expressionistische Künstlerin in Australien bekannt. Durch den Einsatz von kühnen, lebendigen Farben schafft sie dynamische und kraftvolle Bilder, auf die der Betrachter sofort anspricht. Ihre neue Serie von Ölbildern und Arbeiten auf Papier ist eine spontane und freudige Symphonie der Farben aus kalligraphischen Gesten und körperlosen geometrischen Formen. (Translation G. G.)
1954 Born Melbourne; 1975-77 Diploma of Graphic Design, Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne; 1978-81 Diploma of Fine Art, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne; 1987 Post-graduate Diploma of Professional Art Studies (Painting), City Art Institute, Sydney; 1993 Selected to attend Triangle Artist’s Workshop, Pine Plains, NY, USA. Sue is represented by Access Contemporary Art Gallery