The Music Man in the Sky
There was a flautist jamming in the stars, and I used to sit watching, seated on air. He made me cry one day but I wasn’t really that sad. His tunes were just too good, they had me skating around upside down all over the icy place. Didn’t know which way was up, so it rained.
Well it was just too bad.
One day I was doing my thing in the rainy cold sky when I cast my binoculars to the shoulder of Orion. There were attack ships on fire, but where was the Music Man? I couldn’t hear anything, there was only silence and then you’re sobbing.
Who are you and what have you done with Jammin’ Sam? Why am I now crying too? That skull in your uplifted palm, who does that belong to? Ah, I have detached my self from myself again, it is only my humbly decaying corpse who intrudes upon my pleasure.
So is this the skull of that musician? Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
No, it cannot be, for…
It be. How sad.
The stars are out in force tonight, they form a – a skull. So that is where you got to, you flutey fellow of infinite zest. Your body has been broken down into carbon, which has been then gravitationally sucked into a super-hot funky party. It seems that they have now exploded into a strangely sinister silhouette. That’s how you would have wanted it, Jammin’ Sam.
I best be off now. Intransient water-based beings like my good self haven’t any time for such trivial blowings-on of some jazzy musician.
I am crying.
Where did the music go? Your songs?
But up there, kicking it with the stars, I would listen all night. Now your skull smiles down on this ethereal dude. I don’t mean to be rude.
In my mind’s eye I still hear the tunes. Rhythm and blues. So take off your shoes and salute to the flautist who jammed, the soundtrack to the universe.
To that superheated constellation (who used to be Sam), which now grins fatally at those mere mortals who dare to jam.
To the mortals who dare to jam, salute.
To the end of time, play on, play it again, and don’t stop playing.
You may fall quiet (as Sam did), but others will play on.
For the past I weep, for the future I laugh. Aint it always the way. Till another day. To the flautists I say do continue to play. It is the price you will continue to pay, immortality for eternal musical appreciation, because I will remember.
I still remember the music man in the sky.