Tatjana Lukic

Overload #31 Strong Slavic Accent checkmate for sasa radojcic, sombor, serbia your lines keep coming back, at dawn, when i close the door of my child’s room and walked quietly to the battlefield at my desk, and when i cross harshly my words with a blunt point pen, one by one, cut their heads with… Tatjana Lukic weiterlesen

Duane Locke

Overload #31 Movies from the Tampa Slums MOVIE SCRIPT 26 A man stands on a clump of lumped snows Scattered in tatters along the hard stone path. His heaviness presses his footprints into the cold earth. He hears muffled sounds, not from a voice, But from echoes, but now he is secure enough In this… Duane Locke weiterlesen

Marie Jacqueline Lee

Overload #31 A Productive Phase Silence Given moments When our thoughts oppose our acts Of fitting in Of being placid and agreeable And supporting the conversation flow with ease No rupture or obstacle But a mind overflowing with unresolved issues Of things left unsaid And brewing beneath the calm exterior The inner self implodes with… Marie Jacqueline Lee weiterlesen

Rainer Kodritsch

Overload #30 Holzwinkel online Es war gerade wieder jene Zeit, wo der Frühling unbemerkt anfängt in den Sommer über zu gehen. Die Kirschbäume hatten ihre zartrosa Blüten schon abgeworfen und sie für kleine grüne Knötchen eingetauscht. Knötchen, die unbeachtet langsam vor sich hinreifen, um dann ganz plötzlich alle Welt mit den ersten roten Kirschen zu… Rainer Kodritsch weiterlesen

David Jory

Overload #30 Holy Water Holy Water (to John Muk Muk Burke) It is impossible to say just what I mean! But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen             1 The writing begins. She is the ocean. Taking me leaving me a grain of sand. The writing wavers. The… David Jory weiterlesen

Eli Jones

Overload #30 2000 Words of Poetry   It was murder in the town so the man passed ’round a hat, Smooth black suit streamlined against the ricochet of a million screams, Who was it that we wanted? Madmen or their lovers? We conquered and then died upon our enemies corpses in the bloody rush of… Eli Jones weiterlesen

Liesl Jobson

Overload #30 Mary Ann’s Garden Mary Anne’s garden is my sanctuary. Here I recover, find direction and seek my once-ordered self. As I sit now behind her kitchen, I clutch my coffee in one hand and my shredded dignity in the other. I thought I was polite, a well-behaved woman. I thought I was a… Liesl Jobson weiterlesen

Alan Jefferies

Overload #30 From Sydney to Hong Kong I guess they thought they were invisible I was around visiting Phil at his new studio in Oxford Street the other day; See, he said, it’s even got a balcony. And we stepped out onto the narrow ledge overlooking the back lane with a view over roof-top gardens,… Alan Jefferies weiterlesen

Jolanta Janavicius

Overload #30 The Bombing of Freiburg in Breisgau 1945 On February 18th, 1945 my mother, my brother and myself were seated in the restaurant “Die Alte Bursa”. We were celebrating. After many days of asking the council to give us permission to stay in this beautiful, old city of universities and hospitals the permit of… Jolanta Janavicius weiterlesen

Sabine Imhof

Overload #30 Drei Gedichte patentrezept für einen gelungenen regentag ein schiff aus papier im rinnstein ein loch im schuh und deshalb nasse socken der verliebte junge steht vor einer pfütze und denkt daran er hat geld für eine handvoll zucker die frau im kiosk löst kreuzworträtsel hofft auf eine urlaubsreise für zwei und denkt daran… Sabine Imhof weiterlesen