Brett Dionysius

Five Poems January 10th The hearing aid dog was well-trained & shuffled backwards with everyone else to the rear of the lift, as if it had been taught good hospital manners too. Its tail wagged for the human company, begging for the reward to come, as they made room for the elderly cancer patient. A… Brett Dionysius weiterlesen

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Julie Maclean

Two Australian Poems Simpson dingo girl safe inside your canvas dreaming of the red track westward across the dunes the lean shape-shifter   with toes of a dancer foxtrots the fringe        camp follower nose to the north   she takes the shape of a desert grass    spinifex dry same pale yellow    same drift as the wind it’s… Julie Maclean weiterlesen

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Jo Langdon

Three Poems Gösser Straße 79 for Michelle Snow crowns the letterbox, remakes every part of the street; by day the sky is uncoloured, skaters pattern the lake. In the bluish-mauve dusk, children whisper by the window – in the glass, a globe of light beside their small faces – ‘We’ve got to tell Mama the… Jo Langdon weiterlesen

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Jennifer Compton

Two Poems How The Fuck Do You Say Termini! They stared at us in Trastevere the taxi drivers who did not understand us as I held you in my arms for the last time we could not say Termini we could not say Termini but they could see the opera and leaned back into their… Jennifer Compton weiterlesen

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Jonathon Penny

Lit-Mag #42 – The Arabian World Two Poems Sila, Liwa, Bani Yas They keep this up, there’ll be no desert left, No space to wreck, no four-wheel desert cleft To winnow down: no dry-heave, tinder bone To let a man be lone. The death-gasp of the culture that could tear The banshee shriek of what… Jonathon Penny weiterlesen

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Dennis Leavens

Lit-Mag #42 – The Arabian World Two Poems Desert Walk Blue-headed agamas dart and pause, and little Lizards curl their tails like scorpions. Under the rock, the puff-adder hides in shade. Donkey droppings dry in the sun. Foraminifera lie loose on rock, Their ardent, snake-like bodies now only time. What is there to learn?  Stay… Dennis Leavens weiterlesen

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Louis Armand

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Four Poems Goethe in Venice Strange the things that happen out of the blue. A roof-tile plunging, its graceless ricochet. Why strange? talk fills the arcades vying with abstraction for a vacant place. the lido at midday, vaporettos, rubbish piled on the shore. Sleep comes garlanded in sedatives,… Louis Armand weiterlesen

Matvei Yankelevich

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Two Poems excerpt from “After Time” (a work in process) The shrine is simple: a few photographs, some personal effects. Who was the deceased – no one really knows. Was love returned by him to those that felt it due, or wasted on the few who wouldn’t know,… Matvei Yankelevich weiterlesen

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Marcus Slease

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Two Poems Milk Bar (Elblag, Poland August 9th 2009) plump ladies are sweating into my gulasz ’ello ’ello spiegel in spiegel history is just a big H my house is not on the rocks my little dog eats me chop up the momentary this is the tender the… Marcus Slease weiterlesen

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Jaki McCarrick

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Three Poems The Ghost Ship after Dorothy Cross the lights of the city surround the ship coming to Dun Laoghaire it has passed the eye I am nearly eight I feel her joy in coming home it is after midnight we pull into harbour the ship sounds a… Jaki McCarrick weiterlesen

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