José Kozer

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Four poems Translated by Mark Weiss and Christopher Winks Te acuerdas, Sylvia Te acuerdas, Sylvia, cómo trabajaban las mujeres en casa. Parecía que papá no hacía nada. Llevaba las manos a la espalda inclinándose como un rabino fumando una cachimba corta de abedul, las volutas de humo le… José Kozer weiterlesen

Catherine Hales

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Three Poems allowing for this is the place       seasonally adjusted       the confluence of paths through thin woods above a complacent river extrapolating from this       (the mind must have its landmarks)       all points along the line are equally possible equally invalid       a random set of accidentals       of planets safely… Catherine Hales weiterlesen

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Jim Goar

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Two Poems This man of mud and marrow decides to question the street for no one walks anymore they stroll with cranes and hats removed an orange poncho in empty flowers that golden wake across the lawn breaking little rakes akimbo tree and mermaid song a map under… Jim Goar weiterlesen

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Laurie Duggan

Lit-Mag #40 – Expatriations:  The expat edition Angles 1 to be sensible of cold, the decay of light 2   (Uplees) a silence on the Swale, or near enough: incoming tide, bird calls cement slabs, on which black-faced sheep forage the explosive factory blew up in 1916 3   (London Victoria) the shake-spe-herians rant at a neighbour… Laurie Duggan weiterlesen

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Alistair Noon

Lit-Mag #39 – Berlin Towards the Conference 1 Bright as amphibian skin, the lakes encircle the city. They glint on approach, then dull as we close. Walking the Wannsee paths where a speedboat passes under the spotlight, I watch how I sit by the water: viral eight-leggers, bold climbers, discern my sweat, my hair is… Alistair Noon weiterlesen

Audrey Mei

Lit-Mag #39 – Berlin Five Short Pieces for the Talking City I.  Preto dammit! what is the word in Portuguese i’m trying to explain to this little Brazilian actress yes they all say she is famous very pretty and i’m sure quite nice as well but she didn’t know Berlin was once split in two… Audrey Mei weiterlesen

Lawrence Upton

Lit-Mag #37 Myself & Others Five Pictures Snap They’re striding somewhere, quite fast. She swings a retailer’s carrier elatedly, though it seems half-filled. She’s looking down and laughing, perhaps contented, perhaps amused; but he’s looking hence, eyes raised, a man surveying a territory to be penetrated. His arm is around her. He’s almost dragging her… Lawrence Upton weiterlesen

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Melissa Petrakis

Lit-Mag #37 Myself & Others Two Poems Approaching Denpasar At 39 thousand feet Sea ted, belted down and moving at 879 kilometres per hour. Feeling a little sick, a little giddy at reaching such heights and a current personal paralysis. The beverages on board do not quite numb you, nor the inflight entertainment. Flying: symbiotic… Melissa Petrakis weiterlesen

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Simon M. Jonas

Lit-Mag #37 Myself & Others Three Poems Rubine Das Messer trennt die Zeit in vor und nach dir. Faser für Faser spaltet sich mein Fleisch. Spaltet sich auf in dich und dich. Solange, bis ich Rubine in der Hand halte. Ich schaue den Steinen in die Augen. Deine Augen. Ich lecke die Steine auf. Mich… Simon M. Jonas weiterlesen

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Michaela A. Gabriel

Lit-Mag #37 Myself & Others Five Pieces oxygen (o)         first kiss in memory of sean power, drowned 2004, the first boy to kiss me even before we get off on the third floor, something’s lurking behind laughter, the familiar smell of beach half-washed down the drains. i know the hollow sound of knuckles on… Michaela A. Gabriel weiterlesen

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