Jennifer Compton

Lit-Mag #37 Myself & Others Three Poems Dreaming You dreamed of me last night, didn’t you? Dreamed I was one of many just swimming in a school of fishes, wearing my black hat. How did I know you dreamed of me like that? Because I was awake while you were dreaming. Against the Pebble It’s… Jennifer Compton weiterlesen

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Lawrence Upton

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming 4 Poems touch turn upon turn not getting there ornamental lines over rectangles lines broader than rivers’ flowing through streams they’ve cut, bleeding in soil lines harder and more impermeable than paths and tracks sharing a variety of straightness; while lands mark up, or dash about; somehow propelled, impelled by… Lawrence Upton weiterlesen

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Nikola Madzirov

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming They return three times sadder RETURN I open fearfully the door to draw a border with the sun rays upon the carpet. I feel like shouting, but the echo of the unfurnished room is faster than me. The sweat on the door-knob is not mine and the rush on my… Nikola Madzirov weiterlesen

John Leonard

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Was it somewhere else? NOT AT HOME There was a brighter rectangle In the paint next to the front door, Where someone’s name-plate had been Removed, and no new one put up. And that was my home—or was it Somewhere else, where in an attic I found a tattered flag,… John Leonard weiterlesen

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Walter Hoelbling

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming wondering how to resume going home the world is with me on my way through rolling hills green after spring rain metallic evening light casts into sharp relief the contours of young leaves and orchards blooming a daring hare abruptly stops alarmed by the approaching car and in one arching… Walter Hoelbling weiterlesen

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MTC Cronin

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming A million years of patience and dust Brood Sow for Christine Lavant The neck. Sour. I brood above it. Sparkly in the tree. Tap of hammers. Men at my gate swing God. Over the fence. I keep on farming. To drown the icon in goatseed. No bank accounts here. Stunted.… MTC Cronin weiterlesen

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Jennifer Compton

Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming I live here too Borrowed Landscape Paddy Maguire’s Pub, near Chinatown, Sydney The trees, that do not belong to me, on the hill, that does not belong to me. This is my premise. The people in a house that grew like a mushroom. But with shattering noise! Oh yes! Look… Jennifer Compton weiterlesen

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Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers

  Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Six poems from Balkan homes ‘Out of my house a tree is growing’ Selected and translated into English by Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers (Belgrade-Canberra-Geneva) Željko Ivankovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Out of my house a tree is growing (Iz moje kuce raste drvo) Out of my roofless house a tree, growing for… Danijela Kambaskovic-Sawers weiterlesen

Leigh Stein

Travel & Transitioning Three Poems Gratitude To think of gratitude and to think of thank you cards instead, the small panic of them, the pressure to buy the ones with black and white Parisian photograph covers and the blank insides, ready for your profound message, you writer, you beautiful liar; you are supposed to be… Leigh Stein weiterlesen

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Peter Murphy

Travel & Transitioning Two Poems ‘Maniar’ It’s the largest city square in Europe, the guide book says. We sit down. Lurid posters (mostly flame and shadow) advertise a feature on the Bali bombing. You take the thermos out and, as we choose pastries, a beggar approaches. ‘Maniar. Maniar,’ he keeps on saying. He won’t go… Peter Murphy weiterlesen

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