Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Haiku Window shades shaken By the rain and autumn winds Good to have a home! Klappernde Fenster In Regen und Herbstwind. Wie gut ein Haus zu haben! Returning home at night How the hot tea is smelling In my steaming pot! Heimkehr am Abend – Wie duftet der heiße Tee… Egon Tenert weiterlesen
Kategorie: Lit-Mag #36
International Literary Magazine – Home and Homecoming
Horst Lothar Renner
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming wie eh und je … innsbruck – eine reminiszenz ich liebe innsbruck immer noch der inn fliesst durch die stadt wie eh und je die mauern links und rechts kommst du von osten öffnen den spalt ins blau manchmal und nur der inn fliesst durch die stadt wie eh und… Horst Lothar Renner weiterlesen
Stephen Mead
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming A Thousand Beautiful Things Life Support Feathers collected due to patterns or glint, and stones as well, depending on textures, ripples or mica sheen…so much of childhood condensed to palms or to pockets and what they could hold…milkweed pods, snail shells, wild grasses, flowers… Life reduced and then enlarged by… Stephen Mead weiterlesen
Nikola Madzirov
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming They return three times sadder RETURN I open fearfully the door to draw a border with the sun rays upon the carpet. I feel like shouting, but the echo of the unfurnished room is faster than me. The sweat on the door-knob is not mine and the rush on my… Nikola Madzirov weiterlesen
John Leonard
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Was it somewhere else? NOT AT HOME There was a brighter rectangle In the paint next to the front door, Where someone’s name-plate had been Removed, and no new one put up. And that was my home—or was it Somewhere else, where in an attic I found a tattered flag,… John Leonard weiterlesen
Anant Kumar
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Islands are places far from land “Islands are places far from land. They lie unknown to the world, separate, secluded, segregated. And one must leave the mainland to discover this new, little-known acquaintance. Yes, one must be mobile…and the arrival has to discover it; for when he arrives, in many… Anant Kumar weiterlesen
S.K. Kelen
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming The captain says it’s cold Coming Home (from my Papuan holiday) Goodbye Moresby. Goodbye jungle. Flying home. Over the phosphorescent green reef where the wing of a Japanese transport plane stands like a broken soldier. Across a jade desert that joins the sky. Over the mountains that were really clouds.… S.K. Kelen weiterlesen
Halvard Johnson
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming A Poem from Finland Homecoming Say we return in half a thousand years to find no streets or roads, but everybody staying in the same place never suspecting there is anywhere else to go. Say we return and hear not one piece of music, one sonata or symphony or opera,… Halvard Johnson weiterlesen
Walter Hoelbling
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming wondering how to resume going home the world is with me on my way through rolling hills green after spring rain metallic evening light casts into sharp relief the contours of young leaves and orchards blooming a daring hare abruptly stops alarmed by the approaching car and in one arching… Walter Hoelbling weiterlesen
Ferida Durakovic
Lit.-Mag #36 Home & Homecoming Too much sadness and too little hair A baby with hair The rubber doll, probably conceived in the Russian doll factory as a boy baby, or a baby in general, sexless like all dolls and all toys in the world, her treasure, her baby kin, which her Mother had bought… Ferida Durakovic weiterlesen