Koh Beng Liang

Travel & Transitioning Two Poems Cuba Three things filled the abandoned room – dust, sunlight and the silence. I stood below the blackened chandelier, hanging from the high ornate ceiling, fearing the lead from paint specks peeling off the walls. In the adjoining room I spied through the neglected doors a nude painting, a white… Koh Beng Liang weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Lit-Mag #35 Verschlagwortet mit

Karl Koweski

Travel & Transitioning Three Poems Breakwater if you remain in your car all you can see is the breakwater. ragged chunks of concrete pieces of rebar jutting out like mummified fingers. Lake Michigan lays there a dead ocean indistinguishable from its mortuary slab. smell the embalming fluid, a noxious mixture of detergent and petroleum byproducts… Karl Koweski weiterlesen

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S. K. Kelen

  Travel & Transitioning Two Poems A Travellers’ Guide to the East Indies 1. To arrive anywhere tonight you travel a road lit only by fireflies to towns whose names mean ‘tomb of a hundred martyrs’. Invisible birds sing tinkling vowels – words from a time before history invaded. Frogs roar louder and louder kickstarting… S. K. Kelen weiterlesen

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Terry Jaensch

Travel & Transitioning Two Poems Sight-Seer Haggling at Clarke Quay I keep my humour, the proprietor his – jovial but firm. The joke an antiquity, punch-line a rumour. The Quay plainly put: bent at this juncture. More aesthete than buyer the argument’s won in looking farther afield. Or flattering his smoking gun – drawn from… Terry Jaensch weiterlesen

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Brett Dionysius

Travel & Transitioning Three Poems Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám, Quatrain 8 “You can take a photo if you like”, whispers Ali parting the nicotine curtain of his teeth during a pause in the Koranic verses, pin-balling off the walls of Vely’s 5x5m tomb. But Baldwin can’t as he delights in the only moment of his… Brett Dionysius weiterlesen

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Tim Hayden

Writers Abroad I Distant Poems Back Again I dig a hole through newsprint, butcher’s paper and finger for chips. One by one, I blow on the hot ones by the time we arrive home the fish batter will soften to room temperature and not pare. I crack the car window open at Wollongbah. It’s sunset,… Tim Hayden weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Lit-Mag #33 Verschlagwortet mit

Claire Gaskin

Writers Abroad I Five Poems untitled #1 cliffs of fall can see snow on the mountain cannot read haiku on the computer the god Apollo can see snow on the mountain jelly on his stone head the god Apollo his nose vandalised jelly on his stone head man with hair dye in his hair his… Claire Gaskin weiterlesen

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Gerburg Garmann

Gedichte/Poems Cum grano salis Circe forderte leichtes Gepäck, ohne Skrupel schasste sie heut’ Cicisbeo. Griff die Wortfärber auf und pflanzte sie Zwergbäumen ein. Ipecacuanha reichte sie schmallippigen Croupiers und tadelte der Buffi kribblige Couplets, dieser und jener. Obendrauf schlippte sie den Böttcher, coram publico. Erblassern entzog sie Chamois und Changeant, räusperte sich in Schlieren überm… Gerburg Garmann weiterlesen

David Prater

Berlin and Lübeck tor thrown on cobbles like a dart meat hooks & the future’s stake streetside waits a stencil boxcar an iron-bound but invisible gate misplaced pock-marked stones hear the rubble of some victory tunnels to the now defending ghosts from gore & take-home video’s silence down the years tap on a russian tank… David Prater weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Lit-Mag #29 Verschlagwortet mit

George Gott

Superior, Wisconsin 54880 Satori #0294 In Kanazawa all I do is sleep or wake: Sabishisa ya. #5777 Sabishisa ya. = Ah this loneliness. Arechi #007 I share an apartment with Hitoshi. Hitoshi who takes the eyeballs from a Picasso print and puts them on the bedroom wall. So I close my eyes and there is… George Gott weiterlesen

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