Three Poems Skilled Vacancy “More skilled vacancies on offer.” And I aspire to be a skilled vacancy, always to know the right thing not to do when anything enters my orbit, just how to side-step it or guide it over my shoulder like a well-mannered boy practising Ju Jitsu. A skilled vacancy will reply to… Graeme Miles weiterlesen
Kategorie: Lit-Mag #25
International Literary Magazine – September 2002
Nick Morgan
Illustrations for Books
Jordie Albiston
The Fall Press On Take short views of life – never further than dinner or tea. – Rev. Sydney Smith Press on, through the delicate day of your ritual reality: the flags on the line, the forks in the drawer, the filial clichés calling from coat-hangers on the back of the laundry door. The verdict… Jordie Albiston weiterlesen
Egon Tenert
LANGUAGE POLICE oder: Die alten Leiden mit den jungen Wörtern Obwohl, oder vielleicht gerade weil ich selbst Anglist bin und die englische Sprache beinahe so sehr liebe und beherrsche wie meine Muttersprache, stört mich die zunehmende Anglisierung der deutschen Sprache, speziell in den Bereichen Mode, Freizeitgestaltung, Sport und Technik. Die Breitenwirkung von Politikern, TV-Moderatoren, Werbetextern… Egon Tenert weiterlesen
Alexandra Ekkelenkamp
Dutch and English Poems dicht ik wilde dat we weer samen drongen achter een ruit zacht zou ze ademen wasem op het uitzicht dan werd de rivier uiteindelijk zo glad de verre paarden gaven kopjes dan mocht ik schrijven en schreef van haar en ik schreef dat uitzicht met lange lome letters dicht. Zomertje voor… Alexandra Ekkelenkamp weiterlesen
Ian C. Smith
Three Poems At the salt-rimmed coast (1) Young men shout for a red bikini languid under a blue umbrella. A dog barks, lunges at a football bobbing out of reach on modest waves which rush into the hot embrace of yellow sand, & far out, painted against the convergence of blue, a white yacht points… Ian C. Smith weiterlesen
Bonny Cassidy
Four Poems ODE TO CLARICE BECKETT, PAINTER (1887-1935) And what else could a father do, but carefully edge you aside? His baby didn’t care for cars and races, so he left your believers on the doorstep. All the old money in Bendigo couldn’t get a ring on your finger, and so he delivered your rope… Bonny Cassidy weiterlesen
Christian H. Soetemann
‘ontic’ short stories //Grey lever The ironing board possesses a small grey adjustment lever on one side which serves to open up this object so that the process of ironing clothes &c. can begin. Hence this lever, probably made of steel, has got a distinct purpose. Yes, I do iron my clothes from time to… Christian H. Soetemann weiterlesen
Julia Carpenter
Man, Woman, Knife Softly now, quiet. You don’t want to wake her. She always complained when you woke her, she hated that. Sometimes she would call the police when you made a noise outside her window. But that was only when she was alone. When she had that thug with her she would send him… Julia Carpenter weiterlesen