Ali Znaidi

Five Cyberpoems Typing Something Luminous Between light and darkness a door of fathomless possibilities opens onto the ether. Between light and darkness a cosmos of limitations is exploded, while limitless aspirations are being downloaded. Between darkness and light the butterflies’ wings are (still) static. No movements; only my errant fingers wandering in the keyboard’s  wilderness… Ali Znaidi weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Lit-Mag #47 Verschlagwortet mit

Steve Slavin

The Broadway Actors Matrimonial Service My name is Sergei and I managed to get out of Romania almost thirty years ago by paying an American woman $10,000 to marry me. We got married at City Hall, just a few hundred feet from the Brooklyn Bridge, and I never saw her again. I got a job… Steve Slavin weiterlesen

Sylvia Petter

Listening to the Engineers of the Imagination In 2003, I submitted the following paper to a conference in Vienna on The Unifying Aspects of Culture and spoke about the need for writers to break down what I perceived as barriers of the mind against them sharing their work on the Internet. Thirteen years later, hardly… Sylvia Petter weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in Lit-Mag #47 Verschlagwortet mit

Walter Hoelbling

numbers game our lives are fraught with numbers so many fractions of a second faster in a race most wins on record   best jury votes highest flight   deepest dive   most goals meters of rising sea levels millions of refugees   and more displaced tens of thousands  honor killings thousands of deaths with Ebola millions of Zika… Walter Hoelbling weiterlesen

Cyberspace – die Verbundenheit der Differenz

Kommunikation ohne Grenzen Eine Einführung Anfang der 90er Jahre tauchten die ersten Klammeraffen in den Adreßzeilen der Geschäftskarten auf, und ich erinnere mich, dass Setzer immer nachfragten, ob bei der sonderbaren Adresse nicht ein Leerzeichen dazwischen gehöre. Damals war ein Faksimile noch der Standard in Sachen Kommunikation, und elektronische Post – ausgenommen die Bereiche Forschung,… Cyberspace – die Verbundenheit der Differenz weiterlesen