Ruark Lewis

Banalities/Banalitäten Quick Additions Schnelle Bemerkungen Find me a modest book? Gibt es ein bescheidenes Buch? King Kong was caught in New York, Madrid and Lisbon King Kong ist in New York, Madrid und Lissabon gesichtet worden Europeans solicit alms Europäer betteln um Almosen Leaders in religion who hollow horns, work wonders Ins Horn blasende Religionsführer… Ruark Lewis weiterlesen

Nigel Roberts

In Casablanca for the waters As Brian Bell said Naked as – & today she is born – she strokes the hairy squab / to her mine of salt diamonds / then settles / back to the blue cushions Wie Brian Bell sagte Völlig nackt – & heute ist sie geboren – sie streicht die… Nigel Roberts weiterlesen

Antigone Kefala

Poems in Translation Song I long to find you in the uncertain silence of my evenings when darkness comes and when the streets are desolately empty when nothing speaks only my need of you. Lied Ich sehne mich, dich zu finden im ungewissen Schweigen meiner Abende wenn die Dunkelheit einbricht und wenn die Straßen trostlos… Antigone Kefala weiterlesen

Jas H Duke

Alekhine and Junge at Prague In the year 1942 there was a chess tournament in Prague nominally to honour the veteran Czech master Oldrich Duras (born 1882) in 1942 Prague was in the Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia ruled by Reich-Protector Reinhard Heydrich second in command of the SS Hitler wished to spread the message that „normal conditions“… Jas H Duke weiterlesen