Multicultural Publishing – How hard is it to do in Australia? Mabel Lee (Wild Peony) chaired a panel of publishers at the Carnivale Literary Festival, New South Wales Writers’ Centre, Rozelle. Invited were Raghid Nahhas (Kalimat), Ivor Indyk (HEAT), Veronica Sumegi (Brandl & Schlesinger), and myself. Here is my short answer: it’s bloody pointless, mate.… Gerald Ganglbauer weiterlesen
Kategorie: Lit-Mag #13
International Literary Magazine – September 1999
Christina Conrad
Poems for Stoneking For Stoneking in siena august 1997 you call out of a hot siena afternoon into a dark New Zealand night you say you cannot walk at night for vipers hiss at every turn how? i ask you can one recognise a viper does viper coil in memory does viper coil at base… Christina Conrad weiterlesen
Bernhard Kainerstorfer
Yellow Rose Bloom (for CJ) There was the solar eclipse shining down on them at the very end of a millennium. And he held her in his arms. Feeling so good, breathing through his heart like living in an aquarium, breathing, before the time has come to oxygenize through gills. Who was cosmically struck and… Bernhard Kainerstorfer weiterlesen
Ines Windheuser
Life on Stage She embraced him with all her might, trying to hold together what had usually been falling apart, so loosely put together by whomsoever. Only after a few long seconds took she notice of the rigidity that was seemingly suddenly driving the body, somewhere. Where? She did not know, but for sure it… Ines Windheuser weiterlesen
Ingeborg Bachmann
The Game is Over / Das Spiel ist aus The Game is Over My dear brother, when will we build a raft to float down the sky on? My dear brother, soon our load will be so heavy that we’ll sink. My dear brother, onto paper we’ll draw many countries and tracks. Watch out for… Ingeborg Bachmann weiterlesen
Martina Pfeiler
My First Poems To My Lyrical I And here I tell you, oh lyrical I, that you need to sharpen your poetic eye: Watch out for the inexplicable cold and hot streams in us, in you. Discover the hidden depths of the unconscious in us, in you. Monitor the melodramatic self-pity on a misty evening… Martina Pfeiler weiterlesen
Marianne Gaponenko
Odessa schwarz ward ihr alle raben-torwächter schwarz wenn ich in den turm um mitternacht wiederkehrte in die arme des geliebten zu schnee wurdet ihr alle am morgen Dulzinea zu Quichotte Die zartesten und schwersten Rosen Werden zuteil, mir und dir! Nichts kann nun meine Worte aufhalten Sie sind Perlen, sie rollen mir durch die Finger… Marianne Gaponenko weiterlesen
Billy Marshall-Stoneking
Ventriloquist and Other Poems Ventriloquist I remember that summer when she’d pull out Charlie – which was what she affectionately called my prick – & being an artist, she’d draw a face on it. Then, without moving her lips, she’d go to work: „Hello, how’re you? My name’s Charlie.“ The first time, I laughed. It… Billy Marshall-Stoneking weiterlesen
Anant Kumar
Modern Times Das Asylantenheim geriet in Aufruhr, als Montag morgens die Mitbewohner den Bangladesher Abdul Qasim mit einem hübschen, hiesigen Techno-Mädchen sahen. Abdul Qasim, der 30 jährige Asylant aus Bangladesh, der kaum Deutsch verstand, spielte unter den anderen Asylanten wegen seiner Habichtnase den Spaßmacher. Und ausgerechnet diesen Idioten sollte das Glück treffen? Sein Glück verursachte… Anant Kumar weiterlesen
Frederic Tybery
Alles / Everything Serie ‚Alles‘, Acryl auf Leinwand / acrylic on canvas, 180 x 130 cm Frederic Tybery, geboren am 22. Februar 1954 in Wien, lebt in Graz. Grafiker und Medien-Designer, Absolvent der Höheren Technischen Bundeslehranstalt für Bildnerische Gestaltung in Graz, Illustrator und Bühnenbildner.